The Complete Decca Studio Recordings of
Louis Armstrong and the All Stars
By Alan Goodman
“His fat, rich tone and sound – superbly reproduced in this collection – remain One of the great glories of jazz.”
— Chip Deffaa, Entertainment Weekly
New Orleans. It’s the culture that spawned Louis Armstrong. And it’s the authentic sound he returned to throughout his life.
His Hot Five and Hot Seven recordings of 1926-28 became the standard by which everything that came after was measured, and established him as the first true genius of jazz. And then, success had its way with him. Over the next two decades he appeared and recorded mostly with big bands (including his own). There were the hit records (mostly pop and novelty numbers). There were the triumphant tours abroad, eventually even Hollywood attention.
The sound that meant most.
And then there was home. In 1947, Louis formed the All Stars to give himself a vehicle for pure, unadulterated New Orleans jazz. His recording career would continue to swing between various forms of pop music and the brilliant jazz he made with this group, but the All Stars became his primary touring vehicle through the 1950s and 1960s, and the musical outlet for the sound that still meant the most.
Between 1950 and 1958, Louis Armstrong and the All Stars (usually Jack Teagarden or Trummy Young on trombone, Barney Bigard or Edmond Hall on clarinet, Earl Hines or Billy Kyle on piano, Arvell Shaw or Squire Gersh on bass and Cozy Cole or Barrett Deems on drums) recorded 81 tunes for Decca under the supervision of Milt Gabler. These include the April 1950 New Orleans Days/Jazz Concert sessions and the marathon December 1956-January 1957 sessions that produced his Musical Autobiography set.
Studio recordings all together.
These 18 sessions bring together all of the studio recordings by Louis Armstrong and the All Stars, which, over the years, were spread across 10 different albums. For the first time, they are being packaged together, including 10 tracks previously released only on singles, three tracks previously released only in an edited form and five tunes never released until now.
The booklet is by Dan Morgenstern and features many rare photographs.
“There are many genuine masterpieces in this collection, and some of them — miraculously, given Louis’ age at the time — are arguably even more fully realized in terms of instrumental proficiency than the originals upon which they were based.”
— Jack Sohmer, The Mississippi Rag
# 146 The Complete Decca Studio Recordings of
Louis Armstrong and the All Stars
This discography lists only U.S. Decca issue numbers. All five digit numbers are single issues. Numbers with the prefix ED are for extended play 45 issues. The remainder are 10″ and 12″ LPs. Stereo issues of the 4000 and 9000 series have a 7 prefix. Since only the final session of this set was actually recorded in stereo, these are in each case electronically rechannelled stereo.
(A) Louis Armstrong (tp, vcl-1), Jack Teagarden (tb, vcl-2), Barney Bigard (cl), Earl Hines (p), Arvell Shaw (b), Cozy Cole (d).
NYC April 26 and 27, 1950
76337/8 Panama 9-27191/2, DL 5279, DL 8329
76339/40 New Orleans Function 27059, 9-27193, DL a. Flee As A Bird 5279, DL 8329, DL
b. Oh Didn’t He Ramble 8605, DL 8963, DXM-155
(some of the above issues use a reassigned master number 102611) 76341/2 Twelfth Street Rag DL (7)4227
76343/4 That’s For Me-1 9-27187/8, DL 5280, ED 427, DL 8330
76345/6/7 Bugle Call Rag/Ole Miss 9-27191/2/3, DL 5279, DL 8329
76348/9 I Surrender Dear-1 9-27189/90, DL 5280, ED 427, DL 8330
76350/1 Russian Lullaby 9-27187/88, DL 5280, ED-427, DL 8330
76352 Baby, Won’t You Please Come Home-2 9-27190, DL 5280, DL 8330
76353 Fine And Dandy 9-27189, DL 5280, DL 8330
76354 My Bucket’s Got A Hole In It-1,2 9-27194, DL 5279, DL 8329, DL (7)4540
note: Although this was a tape, rather than disc, session, the selections with multiple master numbers were actually recorded in sections and spliced together.
(B) Louis Armstrong (tp, vcl-1), Jack Teagarden (tb), Barney Bigard (cl), Earl Hines (p), Arvell Shaw (b), Cozy Cole (d), Verna Middleton (vcl-2).
LA April 23, 1951
L 6247 Unless-1 27626, 9-27626
L 6248 (Give Me) A Kiss To Build A Dream On-1 unissued
L 6249 You’re The Apple Of My Eye-1,2 27931, 9-27931
(C) Louis Armstrong (tp, vcl-1), Russ Phillips (tb), Barney Bigard (cl), Donald Ruffell (cl, ts), Marty Napoleon (p), Dale Jones (b), Cozy Cole (d).
Denver April 19, 1952
82702 I’ll Walk Alone-1 28177, ED 2012, DL 8211
82703 Kiss Of Fire-1 28177, ED 2012, ED 2240, DL 5421, DL 8126
(D) Louis Armstrong (tp, vcl-1), Trummy Young (tb), Barney Bigard (cl), Milt Yaner, Dick Jacobs (as), Sam Taylor (ts). Everett Barksdale (g), Joe Bushkin (p), Arvell Shaw (b), Cozy Cole (d).
NYC April 21, 1953
84356 April In Portugal-1 28704, ED 2239, DL 8126
84357 Ramona-1 same as above
(E) Louis Armstrong (tp, vcl-1), Trummy Young, Joe Yukl (tb), Barney Bigard (cl), Babe Russin (ts), Marty Napoleon (p), Arvell Shaw (b), Cozy Cole, Gene Krupa (d).
LA December 29, 1953
85604/5 Basin Street Blues -1 unissued
85606/7 Otchi-tchor-ni-ya-1 unissued
note: These are the actual performances from the film The Glenn Miller Story. Despite speculation in many discographies, these versions have never been issued. All issued Decca versions come from the following session or the final session of this set, which was recorded to obtain true stereo versions of these tunes.
(F) Louis Armstrong (tp, vcl-1), Trummy Young (tb, vcl-2), Barney Bigard (cl), Bud Freeman (ts)-1, Billy Kyle (p), Arvell Shaw (b), Kenny John (d).
NYC March 19, 1954
86061 Basin Street Blues-1 29102, DL 5532, ED 2126, DL 8226
(102615 edited version of above DL 8329, DL 8607, DXM 155)
86062 Otchi-tchor-ni-ya-1 DL 5532, DL 8226, ED 2126, DL 8330
86063 Struttin’ With Some Barbecue unissued in full
(102613 edited version of above DL 8329, DL 8607, DL (7)4230, (7)4245)
86064 Margie -2 DL 5532, ED 2126, DL 8330
(G) Louis Armstrong (tp, vcl-1), Trummy Young (tb), Barney Bigard (cl), Billy Kyle (p), Arvell Shaw (b), Barrett Deems (d).
NYC September 1, 1954
86738 Muskrat Ramble-1 29280, 9-29280
86739/40 Medley: Tenderly/You’ll Never Walk Alone (7)4227
(H) Louis Armstrong (tp, vcl-1), Trummy Young (tb), Barney Bigard (cl), Billy Kyle (p), Arvell Shaw (b), Barrett Deems (d), Velma Middleton (vcl-2).
NYC April 25, 1955
87839 Yeh! -1,2 unissued
87840 Mm-mm -1,2 unissued
87841 Baby, Your Sleep Is Showing -1,2 29546
87842 Tin Roof Blues DL 8330
87843 Pretty Little Missy -1 29546, (7)4227
(I) Louis Armstrong (tp, vcl-1), Trummy Young (tb), Barney Bigard (cl), Billy Kyle (p), Arvell Shaw (b), Barrett Deems (d), Gary Crosby (vcl-2).
LA September 9, 1955
L 8668 Easy Street -1,2 29921
L 8669 Lazy Bones -1,2 29921
(J) Louis Armstrong (tp, vcl-1), Trummy Young (tb), Edmond Hall (cl), George Dorsey (as), Lucky Thompson (ts), Dave MacRae (bari), Everett Barksdale (g), Billy Kyle (p), Squire Gersh (b), Barrett Deems (d), Sy Oliver (arr, cond).
NYC December 11, 1956
101148 If I Could Be With You-1 DL 8605, DXM 155, DL (7)4245, (7)4331
101149 Lazy River-1 DL 8604, DXM 155, DL (7)4331
101150 I Can’t Give You Anything But Love-1 DL 8607, DXM 155, DL (7)4137, DL (7)4331
101151 On The Sunny Side Of The Street-1 DL (7)4137, DL (7)4331, DX 183
(102618 edited version of above DL 8604, DXM 155)
101152 I Can’t Believe That
You’re In Love With Me-1 DL 8604, DL (7)4245, DL (7)4330
101153 Body And Soul-1 DL 8605, DXM 155, DL (7)4331
(K) same as above, but add Hilton Jefferson (as).
NYC December 12, 1956
101154 Mahogany Hall Stomp DL 8607, DXM 155, DL (7)4245, DL (7)4330, DX 183
101155 When You’re Smiling-1 30624, DL 8606, DXM 155, DL (7)4245, DL (7)4330, DX 183
101156 Some Of These Days-1 31229, DL 8606, DXM 155, DL (7)4245, DL (7)4330, DX 183
101157 I Surrender Dear-1 DL 8605, DXM 155, DL (7)4331, DX 183
101158 Georgia On My Mind-1 unissued in full
(102617 edited version of above DL 8604, DXM 155, DL (7)4331, DX 183)
101159 Exactly Like You-1 DL 8606, DXM 155, DL (7)4330, DX 183
101168 High Society (omit saxophones) DL 8604, DXM 155, DL 8963, DL (7)4245
(L) same personnel as above
NYC December 13, 1956
101169 Song Of The Islands-1,-2 DL 8606, DXM 155, DL (7)4330, DX 183
101170 That’s My Home-1 DL 8604, DXM 155, DL (7)4331
101171 Memories Of You-1 DL 8605, DXM 155, DL (7)4331, DX 183
101172 Them There Eyes-1 DL 8604, DXM 155, DL (7)4245, DL (7)4331
-2 Dorsey plays flute, MacRae plays bass clarinet
(M) same personnel as above
NYC December 14, 1956
101173 This Younger Generation-1 30188
101174 In Pursuit Of Happiness-1,-2 30188
-2 Dorsey plays flute, MacRae plays bass clarinet
(N) Louis Armstrong (tp, vcl-1), Trummy Young (tb, vcl-2), Edmond Hall (cl), George Barnes (g), Billy Kyle (p), Squire Gersh (b), Barrett Deems (d), Bob Haggart (arr, cond).
NYC January 23, 1957
101175 Hotter Than That-1 DL 8607, DXM 155, DL (7)4230
101176 Gut Bucket Blues-1,2 DL 8605, DXM 155, DL 8963
101177 Weary Blues DL 8607, DXM 155, DL (7)4230
101178 Potato Head Blues DL 8607, DXM 155, DL (7)4230, DX 183
101179 Cornet Chop Suey DL 8606, DXM 155, DL (7)4230, DX 183
101468 Of All The Wrongs You’ve Done To Me DL 8604, DXM 155, DL 8963
(O) same personnel as above
NYC January 24, 1957
101469 Two Deuces DL 8607, DXM 155, DL (7)4330
101470 Mandy Make Up Your Mind DL 8604, DXM 155, DL 8963
101476 Wild Man Blues DL 8607, DXM 155, DL (7)4230
101477 Gully Low Blues-1 DL 8607, DXM 155, DL (7)4230
101478 Everybody Loves My Baby-1 DL 8604, DXM 155. DL 8963
101479 Heebie Jeebies-1,2 DL 8606, DXM 155, DL (7)4230
(P) same personnel as above, except Edmond Hall also (vcl-3), add Velma Middleton (vcl-4).
NYC January 25, 1957
101485 King Of The Zulus-1,2,3 DL 8605, DXM 155, DL (7)4230, DX 183
101486 Frog-i-more Rag DL (7)4227
101487 Georgia Grind-1,4 DL 8606, DXM 155, DL (7)4230
same session, add Yank Lawson (tp).
101488 Snag It DL 8606, DXM 155, DL (7)4230
101489 Dippermouth Blues-3 DL 8604, DXM 155, DL 8963, DL (7)4245, DX 183
101490 Canal Street Blues DL 8604, DXM 155, DL 8963
(Q) Louis Armstrong (tp, vcl-1), Trummy Young (tb), Edmond Hall (cl), Hilton Jefferson, George Dorsey (as), Seldon Powell (ts), Dave MacRae (bari, b cl), Everett Barksdale (g), Billy Kyle (p), Squire Gersh (b), Barrett Deems (d), Sy Oliver (arr, cond).
NYC January 28, 1957
101491 (I’ll Be Glad When You’re Dead)
You Rascal You-1 DL 8605, DXM 155, DL (7)4137, DX 183
101492 Hobo, You Can’t Ride This Train-1 DL 8604, DXM 155, DL (7)4245, DL (7)4331
101493 Knockin’ A Jug DL 8607, DXM 155, DL (7)4330
101494 Dear Old Southland (tp and p only) unissued in full
(102623 edited version of above DL 8606, DXM 155, DL (7)4330)
same session, but omit sax section and add Velma Middleton (vcl).
101495 See See Rider DL 8606
101496 Reckless Blues DL 8606
101497 Trouble In Mind DL 8606
101498 Courthouse Blues DL 8606
all titles also on DXM 155, DL 8963
(R) Louis Armstrong (tp, vcl-1), Trummy Young (tb), Peanuts Hucko (cl), Eddie Miller (ts), Billy Kyle (p), Al Hendrickson (g), Mort Herbert (b), Danny Barcelona (d), unidentified group vocal-2.
LA October 8, 1958
L 11192 I Love Jazz-2 30771
(111410 edited version of above DL (7)4227)
L 11193 The Mardi-Gras March-2 30771
L 11194 Basin Street Blues-1 DL (7)4227, DL (7)9123
L 11195 Otchi-tchor-ni-ya-1 DL (7)4227, DL (7)9123
Note: “Some Of These Days” listed in some discographies for this session is actually from the December 12, 1956 session. This session was recorded on three-track masters and is newly remixed for this set.
Album Index:
*** 10-inch LPs
DL 5279 – New Orleans Days.
DL 5280 – Jazz Concert Vol. 2.
DL 5532 – The Glenn Miller Story.
*** 12-inch LPs
DL 8126 – Satchmo Sings.
DL 8211 – Satchmo Serenades.
DL 8226 – The Glenn Miller Story .
DL 8329 – New Orleans Nights.
DL 8330 – Satchmo On Stage.
DXM 155 – Satchmo . . . A Musical Autobiography Of Louis Armstrong.
DL 8604 – Volume one of the above set.
DL 8605 – Volume two of the above set.
DL 8606 – Volume three of the above set.
DL 8607 – Volume four of the above set.
DL 8963 – Satchmo (A Musical Autobiography Of Louis Armstrong 1923-1925).
DL (7)4137 – Satchmo’s Golden Favorites.
DL (7)4227 – I Love Jazz!.
DL (7)4230 – Satchmo A Musical Autobiography Of Louis Armstrong (1926-1927) Hot Fives And Sevens.
DL (7)4245 – King Louis.
DL (7)4330 – Satchmo: A Musical Autobiography Of Louis Armstrong (1928- Early 1930).
DL (7)4331 – Satchmo A Musical Autobiography Of Louis Armstrong (1930-1934).
DX 183 – The Best Of Louis Armstrong.
DL (7)4540 – The Golden Horn Of Jack Teagarden.
DL (7)9123 – The Glenn Miller Story.
Original sessions, except (B) & (I), produced by Milt Gabler
Produced for release by Michael Cuscuna
Executive producer: Charlie Lourie
Tape transfers: Paul Elmore, MCA Studios
Technical continuity: Malcolm Addey
Mastering: Joe Brescio
Courtesy of MCA Records, Inc.
Mosaic Records, Inc. All rights reserved.
Producer’s note:
The source material for this set is the original master tapes, most of which were recorded at 30 ips and therefore had less tape hiss than most fifties tapes. There are some instances of minor distortion, which are caused by overloading the signal on the original tapes.
The master tape for the vocal version of Muskrat Ramble from September 1, 1954 no longer exists. We have transferred it from a 78, provided by the Institute of Jazz Studies.
All but the final session were originally recorded in mono. The final session was recorded on three track and has been remixed to stereo for this set.

“…In the final chorus, Armstrong uncorks a spiraling ascending phrase before hammering home a two-note riff over and over, foreshadowing a decade’s worth of big band writing that would follow in the 1930s.”